School Rules
The rules of Bay of Islands College are approved by the Board of Trustees.
The rules are not intended to limit freedom, but to enable all members of the school community to work in an environment that is safe, positive, caring and consistent.
These rules reflect the College’s Mission Statement:
“Together we will develop respectful students, maximising their potential.”
As recognition of its total concern for its students, for the reputation of the school, and to ensure consistency of standards, the College adopts an “in loco parentis” role and thus the school rules apply from the time a student leaves home until they return home and in all school-related transport, excursions and activities. The rules are based firmly on a basic code of conduct that all members of the school community will show RESPECT.
Enrolment and continued attendance at Bay of Islands College is conditional on a student agreeing to the following:
Caring for Achievement
To strive to reach personal best in all aspects of class and extra-curricular activities. To aim to establish personal goals which are positive and attainable.
To not interfere in any way with the learning of others, and to respect their rights to study in an effective learning environment.
To do homework that is set, according to the guidelines in the prospectus.
To display personal responsibility and accountability for learning by catching up on all work missed for any reason.
Caring for Self and Others
To wear the school uniform as specified, correctly and with pride.
To not steal, and not borrow without the owner’s permission.
To refrain from all forms of violence to others, whether verbal or physical.
To display courtesy and a welcoming attitude to visitors and new-comers
To respect the authority of all teachers.
To move quickly and quietly between classes in an orderly fashion, and to avoid disruption to classes.
To avoid all forms of sexual harassment, or comment or action that indicates prejudice of race or creed.
To avoid all forms of “put-downs” for those who are seeking to do their best for themselves or others.
To avoid temptation or distraction to others by not bringing to school any expensive or attractive goods such as i-pods. (The only exception to this is equipment regarded as part of the instruction programme, eg calculators).
To show respect for the teaching environment by not chewing or eating in class, not moving around the room and by not calling out responses.
Caring for the School Environment
To protect the school environment and not to damage or deface any furniture, buildings, trees, noticeboards, displays, or other school facilities.
To report any damage seen.
To keep the school environment clean by not dropping any litter, and to assist the school by a willingness to pick up litter dropped by others.
By keeping to the areas provided for student use, and not going “out of bounds”. These out-of-bounds areas will be regularly defined by the school’s administration.
Caring for Responsibility
To be involved as far as possible in school activities, but to ensure a balance of time and effort among all activities.
To display a commitment to all those people with whom involved in school activities, e.g. team mates, teachers and coaches.
To apologise sincerely for wrong doings to others, and to pay for the damage caused.